Why Men and Women Love Differently: Insights for a Stronger Bond
Understanding how men and women differ in expressing their feelings and emotions is crucial for fostering a loving, cooperative, and trustworthy relationship where both partners feel heard, supported, and loved.
Without awareness of these differences, partners may expect each other to behave, feel, react, and communicate similarly. This can lead to resentment, judgmental attitudes, and unrealistic demands within the relationship.
Increasingly, more couples are separating each year or feel unfulfilled in their relationships. Unable to grow together and support one another, they lose the love they once shared. To build a strong relationship, it’s crucial to understand these seven differences that, if not clearly understood, can become sources of arguments and conflicts.
Men Try to Change Women’s Feelings; Women Try to Change Men’s Behaviour
“Instead of ignoring our differences, we need to accept and transcend them.” – Sheryl Sandberg
From a psychological perspective, men often try to change women’s feelings by offering solutions to their problems. This aligns with a problem-solving approach common in male communication styles, where active listening is aimed at resolving issues. Women, however, typically seek empathy, understanding, and validation rather than solutions, which is essential for emotional processing.
Women, on the other hand, often try to change men’s behaviour by offering advice and criticism. Despite good intentions, this can lead men to feel undermined and criticised, affecting their self-esteem and sense of autonomy. Men desire acceptance and trust from their partners to solve problems independently, which fosters their self-efficacy.
Men and Women Are Motivated by Different Things
“Good men are a bit like border collies: we’re happiest when we’re useful. That’s why the life of a good man involves constant striving for direction and meaning.” – Shawn T. Smith
Psychologically, men derive motivation from feeling needed, while women derive it from feeling cherished.
Men become more willing to invest in the relationship when they feel needed, trusted, and appreciated. When these psychological needs are unmet, men can become less motivated and more self-focused. A man’s greatest fear is feeling inadequate for the woman he loves, which can impact his self-worth.
Women need to feel cherished in their relationships. When their actions are appreciated and respected, they feel validated and energised. Conversely, unappreciated efforts can lead to feelings of exhaustion, resentment, and frustration, impacting their emotional well-being.
Women and Men Deal with Stress Differently
“Women tend to communicate early and often about a problem. Men are more likely to view communication as a tool, and when they see it as the wrong tool for the job, they believe it should be stored neatly in the toolbox.” – Shawn T. Smith
Under stress, women typically become overwhelmed and emotionally involved, seeking to talk about their problems to alleviate stress. This verbal processing helps them feel less overwhelmed and more rational.
Men, however, tend to withdraw and focus on finding a solution to the most pressing problem. If immediate solutions are not available, they prefer distraction techniques such as watching TV or playing video games to relax. This avoidance strategy allows them to temporarily escape stress and regain composure.
Men and Women Express Their Feelings Differently
“Men most often know what they want, yet they are not always sure how they feel. Women most often know how they feel, yet they may not always know what they want.” – Ken Poirot
Women often use generalisations, exaggerations, and figures of speech to express their emotions, aiming to convey the intensity of their feelings. Phrases like “you don’t love me anymore” or “you never listen” are used to emphasise their emotional state. Men, interpreting these statements literally, respond with counter-arguments, leading women to feel misunderstood and unheard.
Men tend to be more reserved and require time to process their feelings before speaking. Silence can be their way of coping with emotional overload, which can be misinterpreted by women as disinterest or indifference, exacerbating their feelings of insecurity.
Men and Women Argue for Different Reasons
“You cannot reason people out of a position that they did not reason themselves into.” – Ben Goldacre
Arguments can damage relationships and erode love. However, unspoken words build up, creating frustration and negative feelings. It is crucial to discuss differences and express feelings respectfully and directly, striving to find solutions or reach agreements.
Men argue when they feel criticised, rejected, and unaccepted. This often occurs when a woman tells them what to do or how to behave. Men become less motivated to do things for their partner when blamed for their unhappiness. Additionally, if their partner doubts their ability to accomplish a task, men feel untrusted.
Women argue when they feel ignored, judged, and neglected. They need to feel like their partner’s priority and that their partner remembers what’s important to them. Women need reassurance and acceptance when upset. If they feel criticised rather than accepted, they feel unsafe to be themselves. Moreover, when they feel their partner is not engaged in discussions, they feel disrespected and ignored, becoming argumentative.
Women and Men Need Different Things from Their Relationships
“The hope is that laying out what we understand about essential differences in the minds of men and women may lead to greater acceptance and respect of difference.” – Simon Baron-Cohen
A common mistake in relationships is giving your partner what you want rather than what they need. Both partners may feel they are giving their all but still feel unsatisfied and unappreciated. Understanding what your partner needs to feel loved allows you to redirect your efforts effectively.
Women need to feel cared for, understood, respected, and validated. They need to feel their partner’s devotion and consistent reassurance of love.
Men feel loved when they feel trusted, accepted, and admired. They need their efforts recognised and appreciated. They primarily need to feel approved and encouraged in their decisions.
Men Desire to Give; Women Desire to Receive
“Man is always looking for someone to boast to; woman is always looking for a shoulder to put her head on.” – Henry Louis Mencken
In nurturing love, women need many expressions of love to feel fulfilled. Men often don’t realise the importance of small gestures and mistakenly assume that a major gesture can replace them.